Meerkat Millionaires Country Club

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Meerkat Millionaires Country Club


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Meerkat Millionaires Country Club

Meerkat Millionaires Country Club is an  Generative Art Series made up Of 9,999 hand-drawn Meerkat Combinations With Over 175 Traits.[1]


fetched-img-e940912a1d108000png.pngMMCC is the first NFT Project to commit to giving back 100% of the proceeds from secondary market sales to the community. MMCC has 175 unique attributes that come together to make user meerkat look awesome.

The Meerkat Millionaires Country Club features one distinguishing feature. It gives back to its members. Miners get 15% of all royalties collected for the duration of the project, whether they are holders or not.

The project's owners receive 85 percent of all royalties. This means users can continue to make money while playing golf and sipping Champagne.

The Affluent Meerkat Country Club (MMCC) is an elite country club for millionaire meerkats. There are 9,999 available, and minting costs 1 SOL (0.75 SOL/meerkat in presales). Miners and holders are lavishly rewarded.[3]

The Future Jump

The cost of the Solana is $1,800. NFT investors like OG projects. Meerkats is one of the most popular projects due to the community's support. The meerkat floor is 100 SOL, and the goal for everyone is to get a meerkat. User got one, and they are earning royalties every week from it.

Meerkat millionaires' country club is a country club that accepts only the most wealthy and elite meerkats. MMCC aims to grow a fun and family-like community for its holders with its epic cartoon-style art.

How to mint a Meerkat

  • Go to the Mint site (
  • Connect wallet for it to show the correct figure
  • Connect the wallet with the button and select Phantom wallet.
  • Enter a password and connect to the site.
  • Input the number of meerkats to be mint in the input box and click the button to mint.

Notable Sales

FdbKWP7X0AEyW4F.jpgOn Sep 24, 2022, the art piece by Meerkat Millionaires Country Club , Meerkat #4594, tokenized on was acquired in the secondary market for 15.213286639 Solana.


1500x500.jpgThe Roadmap is divided into three (3) phases :

  • Website refresh : Refined & updated website containing fresh graphics, team detail, Katconnect
  • Playground : The playground is where Kats have fun! We've developed our own Playground for frens of the fam to come and play with us. Drops, W/L spots and much happen every week there.
  • Spirit still alive : Kats were on a roller-coaster, but kats are alive and well.
  • Ownership transition : ClubDAO becomes the entity responsible for the direction and future success of the MMCC community.
  • On-Chain vote for royalties reduction : Proposals and votes on Royalties Fees reductions. In addition, considering the removal of the minter's rewards in favor of reallocation to the project.
  • Stake your kats : Earn $BRRR by staking your NFTs from both collections.
  • Clubhouse Magazine : Monthly installment covering the NFT Space and more!
  • Meerkatplace : Meerkats focused marketplace, with 0% tx fees! (Q3 2022)

MMCC Fantasy Golf : Build your team, earn $BRRR, brag about it!
Art Galleries Partnerships : Stand-out alliances with leading galleries in the art industry. Release of a 1/1 Art Toys and limited editions runs.
Meerkat's Associates Club : Launchpad, Incubator, Tool Suite!
Upgrade the MMCC Art : Make improvements of our current art, respecting the original concept, by creating a better version of our NFTs
The Country Club : MMCC’s end goal is to acquire an IRL Country Club! Alliances with other entities will come along.

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Generated avatar for Anonymous userGodsgenerale

Edited On

September 28, 2022

Reason for edit:

Notable Sales, Roadmap


