Coin Artist

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Coin Artist


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Coin Artist

Marguerite deCourcelle (better known as coin_artist) is a technologist, game designer, and blockchain enthusiast. She is the CEO of Blockade Games, a company that designs puzzles and games built on [1][2][7]


Early Beginnings

deCourcelle's background is in art. She was an art director at the Lyonshead Art Gallery. She then became a regional manager for Estée Lauder. [1]

She then integrated her background into the blockchain space by becoming the Director of the Dark Wallet Puzzle, which involved creating a viral marketing campaign for cryptocurrency as an asset in educational puzzles and gameplay. [1]

The Legend of Satoshi Nakamoto

On Septmeber 2, 2014, Coin Artist revealed that she had designed a puzzle entitled . The puzzle was a series of minor puzzled that had to be solved before the painting could be accessed for a shot at discovering the private key to a  wallet called 1FLAMEN 6. It was centered on a painting created by deCourcelle entitled TORCHED H34R7S, which was inspired by William Shakespeare's The Phoenix and the Turtle . Someone had taken the coins out of the wallet three years after deCourcelle created the puzzle. [1][4]

The person who solved the puzzle was a 30-year-old programmer and he was rewarded with 4.87 Bitcoin.[5]


In March 2016, Coin Artist created whit34bbi7, a series of artistic puzzles and games that unlock a cryptographic treasure. She spent a total of three months on the project. [1]


In 2017, deCourcelle served as a marketing lead for Decred, a cryptocurrency that was aimed to serve as an alternative to Bitcoin. They created consensus voting model aimed to empower stakeholders and allow for the seamless transition from one set of rules to another.[6]

Blockade Games

In 2018, coin_artist became the CEO of Blockade Games, a game technology studio that specializes in integrating technology and alternate reality components into puzzles and games.  [1][7]


Coin’s E-Den

1_DrSAjGu44CePo9uTNjLmkw.pngcoin_artist, tokenized herself as an NFT to found a syndicate called “Coin’s E-Den”, establishing herself as the syndicate boss, and thereby extending ownership of her brand to the shardholders. A social experiment in tokenizing Marguerite deCourcelle's (also known as coin artist) personal brand is called Coin's E-Den. Within the made-up Neon District universe, owners of the COIN token get together to establish a distinctive Syndicate of cyberpunk fans. This Syndicate is a private social network of users that are all affiliated with the coin artist brand. Therefore, via shared governance and strategic planning, syndicate members represent the interests of coin artist's projects and have a say in how they are run.
In terms of cooperative gaming, decentralized finance, token gamification, and NFT reward distribution techniques, The Syndicate encourages social inclusion and experimentation. The Syndicate's main objective is to create a community where originality is valued in order to create a lively and rich environment within a gamified social network. The Syndicate has adopted the following mission, vision, and core principles to ensure consistent messaging and to serve as a roadmap for future choices within the community.
The syndicate may strategically use as well as other social platforms to propose ideas, trade secrets, and partnerships.

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Edited On

September 30, 2022

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Coin E-den


