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Neblio is a proof of stake (pos) cryptocurrency. It was first announced on July 27, 2017 and the development team is located in Richmond, Virginia. As of December 28th 2017, the circulating supply was 12,673,652 NEBL.[1][2]
Neblio is a blockchain developer platform which is going to be used to build decentralized applications and services. It’s a decentralized peer to peer network of nodes that are applying to exchange information as transactions and then save those transactions in an immutable distributed ledger. The copies of the ledgers created are kept by all nodes thus making it impossible to tamper.
To be precise, Neblio is a developer platform that was built to provide a boost to the deployment and development of distributed applications. In the business world, the lack of skill set and difficulty have become major obstacles that have restrained the adoption of the blockchain for development of applications. Neblio Platform aimed to provide a way to overcome these challenges.
In Laymans Terms: Imagine you tried to create something but it required you to read the instruction manual in a foreign language. Wouldn’t it be easier if the manual book had a plethora of languages you can read through? Well programming has multiple languages and not many people understand all of them. This is going to make it easier for many people to learn how to start developing on the blockchain. Those languages are Python, Java.Net, Objective-C, Noodle.JS, PHP.[3][4]
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August 23, 2022
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We've just announced IQ AI.
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August 23, 2022
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