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NFT Worlds (founded October 2021) is a fully decentralized, fully customizable, community-driven, play-to-earn gaming platform where users are able to create their own limitless metaverse games or experiences for players or exclusive communities within their worlds. [1]
NFT Worlds is based on Minecraft's sprawling open-source ecosystem, NFT Worlds is built on the backbone of decades worth of open source development within the Minecraft community and radically expands on it to enable an entirely new type of 3D voxel-based, decentralized gaming metaverses backed by the Ethereum blockchain.
NFT Worlds was founded in order to create the first truly decentralized, cross-platform, community-driven & developed play-to-earn gaming metaverse of its kind. Each of the 10,000 unique NFT Worlds is constantly evolving and developed by world owners or individual communities.
These 3D voxel-based worlds open up a limitless amount of creative possibilities to make unique gaming experiences, exclusive hangout spots, play-to-earn competitions and more.
NFT Worlds will become a sprawling, decentralized, massively multiplayer ecosystem of many interconnected worlds. With each world having in-game portals to many other worlds, as well as the ability for players to easily warp between their favorite worlds at any time.
The creators of NFT Worlds explained the reason why Minecraft was used;
"When we started NFT Worlds, we knew that in order to compete in the rapidly expanding NFT metaverse gaming category we’d need to bootstrap our vision using an existing open-source gaming ecosystem to create the thriving community driven world development, community spaces, community created games and interconnected worlds that we envisioned."
"We didn’t want to have to “reinvent the wheel” by creating our own unproven game from scratch, while also having to innovate on the NFT integration & decentralized metaverse side of the platform we envisioned. This would take far too long to deliver on."
"Having nearly a decade of experience working within the Minecraft open-source ecosystem and seeing everything it's capable of and the vastness of open source tools, mods, and more, we knew it’d be a perfect fit to power the decentralized gaming metaverse of NFT Worlds."
Bootstrapping the NFT Worlds platform with Minecraft at this time gave the following advantages.
Giving players access to NFT Worlds through the Minecraft game client on PC, Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo Switch and more thanks to open-sourced server bridging systems.
Worlds will have server addresses looked up through a decentralized world name server that routes world access to the decentrally hosted addresses.
In each NFT World, world owners are able to create a limitless number of "portals" and each time a player interacts with one of these portals, the player is transported to another world and an exact location coordinate within that world.
This "portal" system opens up endless possibilities for cross-world collaborations between owners, interlinked world systems, worlds that act as "hubs/transport stations" to other worlds, smooth exploration for players across all worlds in the NFT Worlds ecosystem, and much more.
Under the hood, the portal system when interacted with by a player will cause their game client to do a lookup against the World Server Router contract for the connection details of the world the portal is transporting them to.
If a lookup succeeds, the player's game client connects them to that world's server and places them at the portal-defined location coordinate. Portals can also be used to transport players to location coordinates within the same world.
The NFT Worlds multiplayer consoles will be played through the Minecraft Bedrock Edition. NFT World's open-source servers include a packet bridging layer that allows cross-platform play between Minecraft Java edition & Bedrock edition.
Connectivity to worlds on consoles during this time has to be manually inputted into the game from a dApp. This will take console players less than a minute to do and once connected to any world, warping through portals to other worlds works as intended.
Because the Minecraft Bedrock edition cannot be modded like the Java edition on PCs, the team is unable to serve the same blockchain interaction UI. For blockchain interactions on game consoles, this will be done through a combination of text-based & native in-game UI.
$WRLD is an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain. It is the primary utility token and the token used when playing in an NFT World. It was launched in December 2021.
Players can use $WRLD tokens to access exclusive experiences, items, perks, content, and more within NFT Worlds. These tokens will be given to the owner of a world a player is playing in, in exchange for the specific experience, items, perks, content, etc as promised by the world owner for a token transaction. These transactions will happen through an in-game UI connected to the blockchain.
The $WRLD token has been integrated with Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Worlds in a way that nearly any in-game experience, perk, item or access to content can be created by world owners and require $WRLD tokens from players in their worlds in order to access or participate in such content.
Additionally, $WRLD will be required for purchasing optional, custom NFT World character NFTs, and may sometimes be required for unannounced global NFT Worlds perks and content in the future.
The maximum supply of $WRLD tokens is 5,000,000,000 (five billion tokens)
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Edited On
March 28, 2023
We've just announced IQ AI.
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Edited On
March 28, 2023